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I’m excited to share my vision for Alaska’s future, where political and economic freedom go hand in hand. We, the people, not the government are the rightful stewards of our state’s and country’s bountiful natural resources. I’m committed to reviving our economy and ensuring that Alaskans are the ones who benefit from our unparalleled opportunities.


One of my top priorities is creating an education pipeline that incentivizes and promotes career and technical education for our youth. By leveraging Alaska’s outstanding trade and medical programs, we can place our young people in rewarding careers supported by Alaska’s key industries.


Alaska’s strategic geographic location is a goldmine of potential. I’m determined to drive new investments and develop industries that will generate jobs and careers for current and future generations of Alaskans. We need more private public partnership. The state needs to open up more community growth opportunities.


Developing our Alaska's critical infrastructure is vital for our food security, disaster readiness, commerce, and national security. I support infrastructure investments, like those at the Whittier's 2 deep water ports and a commuter rail for better connectivity. Over the so-called Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, which is just the Green New Deal.


I’m also focused on attracting new national security-related investments to Alaska, from both the public and private sectors. Alaska should be a national hub for industries like Arctic shipping routes, space infrastructure, signal intelligence facilities, and satellite construction. It's also time to take a close look at what is happening at the HAARP facilities.


Recruiting new businesses to open in Alaska is the only path to a sustainable future. We must expand service industries that support our families and grow our workforce. I will push the state to open more land for new communities and foster public-private partnerships that benefit all Alaskans.


I’ll fight for additional Coast Guard presence in Alaska, ensuring we have icebreakers in-state and the ability to maintain and repair our own Coast Guard ships. More importantly to respond to emergencies. No life should be lost because we lack the equipment and readiness.


U.S. Postal Service reform is another key issue, and I’m committed to protecting “Last Mile Delivery” to keep our communities connected. Most people are unaware of the significant problems with employment apathy and organized crime within local mail facilities. I will demand more accountability from the postmaster regarding internal mail theft and fraud and ensure they follow through with complaints and investigations. It's crucial that we address these issues to restore trust in our postal system.


Alaska's tourism industry is booming but we can do better. I am fully committed to making parks and recreation a leading industry in our state. I will vigorously promote and advocate for the full spectrum of our tourism industry, ensuring that we maximize the incredible natural beauty and resources that Alaska has to offer. Maintaining thriving year-round tourism is not just a goal—it's a necessity for sustainable economic and resource development in both urban and rural communities across our state. By investing in and expanding our parks, trails, and recreational opportunities, we can create jobs, boost local economies, and ensure that future generations of Alaskans continue to benefit from our unparalleled outdoor experiences. Alaska’s natural wonders are our greatest asset, and I’m all in on leveraging them to secure a prosperous future for all Alaskans.


Together, we can harness Alaska’s potential and build a brighter future for all Alaskans. Let’s get to work!

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Businesswoman and mother of five Brandy Pennington works every day to help Alaskan families. Now, Brandy is running for State House to ensure that every-day Alaskans have access to their voice in the legislature and return accountability to the office.



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